crackpot|crackpots in English


crazy, nut, weirdo (Slang)

Use "crackpot|crackpots" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "crackpot|crackpots" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "crackpot|crackpots", or refer to the context using the word "crackpot|crackpots" in the English Dictionary.

1. A crackpot, Graham thought.

2. " My good sir, we are neither crackpots nor wannabes.

3. That crackpot thinks his neighbors are aliens.

4. They called him a crackpot.

5. Well, the crackpots will have a field day with these revelations, Holmes!

6. Without the Communist bugaboo, Dornan was exposed as the crackpot that he is.

7. She was no more a crackpot than the rest of us.

8. He was prone to dismiss himself as " that well - known crackpot ".

9. That's not the way to do it, you crackpot.

10. Brooks's original crackpot idea has now evolved into an official NASA program.

11. Maybe it was a crackpot theory, but it was a good one.

12. He got the crackpot that the president is a Communist.

13. Various agricultural schemes were floated, including, in the 1820s, a crackpot colonisation of Hawaii.

14. What ? ( laughs ) Don't worry about it, Li Hua . Everyone knows Professor Wilkins is a crackpot.

15. Noodle or Blueboobs would have flown at the kid to avenge Crackpot.

16. I am amazed that such a crackpot scheme could be seriously entertained.

17. Vernon Dersley: I will not pay to have a crackpot old fool teach him magic tricks.

18. To all of my crackpot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers.

19. That changed the world's perception of Fuller from crackpot to " authentic American genius "

20. In short, Chen Yi - fei is really outside the South depend on crackpot idea!

21. But they were also the crackpot idealist, even the blind overly self - assured person.

22. You get these crackpot ideas about helping people who come along to you with a mournful tale.

23. Synonyms for Codger include nut, nutcase, crackpot, crank, nutter, weirdo, kook, oddball, crackbrain and fruitcake

24. See the dress on the street is bold and young beautiful girl, can't help crackpot.

25. As operating devices , perpetual - motion machines are the province of crackpot science and science fiction.